When you are doing your taxes, there is a lot that you need to keep track of. Many Americans work hard to try and figure out their taxes at the end of the year, but then it is so confusing...
College is expensive. There is no doubt about how expensive college has gotten over the past few years. Students are struggling under all the debt that they need to pay and keeping...
Starting your own business involves plenty of administrative tasks, including setting up your bookkeeping and payroll. However, a new small business might not be able to afford the...
If you own a general contracting business or one of the supporting businesses, such as plumbing, electrical or drywall, then you will need to keep accurate records. The most important...
As a real estate agent, there are many challenges as you work in a housing market that has its ups and downs. However, as part of your business, you have the opportunity to take several...
With various taxpayers, household help is a part of life in terms of managing many day to day activities. Yet, those individuals who provide household help may trigger a household...
For those who have moved into the world of self-employment or business ownership, there is a question of how to handle paying their taxes. After all, in a traditional employer setting,...
Have you considered making extra income from your vacation home? If so, it can be as simple as signing up on a variety of travel websites and listing your dates of availability. However,...
Most taxpayers are unaware that there are many things they can deduct on their tax returns in order to lower their tax bill and save a lot of money. While you do need to be careful...
Posted by Dennis O'Brien on 02/21/2016