Before you get started on your in home daycare, you need to make sure that you are following all the steps to make this successful. Running this daycare out of your home requires a...
Renting out your home is one way that you are able to bring in a little extra money. But the amount of time and the amount of space that you rent out with determine how you will claim...
In Oregon, my associates at BTL & Company, P C, Tax and Accounting and I, Beriso Tusse, help self employed tax payers receive all of the deductions that they are due. Filing your...
Many individuals have seen the benefits of becoming self-employed, including the ability to make their own schedule and define their level of income without necessarily have a large...
The subject of tax is not the most pleasant for many. Though it is what some people live by. Yes, the tax preparer downtown, the CPAs around town and every other tax professional you...
Of all the forms involved in filing your tax return, tax form 1040 might just be one of the most important. This form is one of a few that helps you file your annual federal taxes,...
When you work hard for your money and you are invested in making it go as far as possible, your options to keep it in your own pocket may vary. Being savvy when it comes to personal...
Chances are if you worked independently during 2015, and made over $400.00, you will most likely have to file a Schedule SE. The Schedule SE is used to report self-employed taxpayer...
Do you happen to be the charitable type? Depending on which organization(s) you chose to donate your time, money, or goods to, you may be able to deduct those donations on your tax...