Student loan interest stands out for having a lower rate, which might be attractive to many. However, there are still a couple of things to know if you consider taking a student loan. Effect...
Before the Kiddie tax, parents could get tax savings by setting up an investment account using the kid's name. Parents could give various items like a stock to their kids in which...
The average Americans do find it challenging to know which of the tax credit they can utilize. Yet, tax credits are essential as they provide an easy way of reducing the overall tax...
The only things certain in life are death and taxes. While taxes are certain in life, many investors do not consider them when making their retirement portfolios plan. If you do not...
While taxes for 2020 are not due until 2021, many important financial decisions made now can have a major impact on farm taxes and when they are paid. An important resource is the...
A refund offset is a process in which the taxpayer will not get the full refund; instead, the excess federal income tax will be used to service unpaid government debt. Many people...
If you are contemplating going with a reverse mortgage or HECM loan, it is imperative to research this unique retirement option's financial impact. A reverse mortgage allows you...
Section 4261 of the IRC typically imposes a special 7.5% air tax on amounts paid for "taxable transportation" and certain segment-specific dollar taxes. However, certain...
There are essential elements in the 2018 tax law changes that will affect farmers and their families. These changes span through to 2025.Effect on Individuals Standard Deduction:...
Posted by Carmen Garcia on 11/18/2020