Thousands of tax payers each year miss the opportunity to claim their automobile use as a deduction on their taxes. At BTL & Company, P C, Tax & Accounting, we help many Americans...
Starting a business is a big step. You have thought long and hard about the kind of business you would like to begin, and after some research, you will find that now might be the time...
Posted by Falisha Griffin on 02/21/2016
Starting your business is a big deal. You came up with the idea, found the funding that will get it off the ground, and are excited to get going. But before you can open the doors,...
Saving for retirement is a great financial decision. It allows you to build up a nice nest egg so that you can live comfortably and have money, outside of your social security benefits,...
Many tax payers choose to contribute each year to their health savings accounts. This allows them to have money for those expensive medical bills as they get older. But once you turn...
All income is taxable unless a law specifically says it isn’t. Here are some basic rules you should know to help you file an accurate tax return:Taxable income. Taxable income...
Posted by Salter Elite Consulting on 02/16/2016
College is one of the largest expenses one will incur during their lifetime. With college tuitions rising steadily each year, and enrollment seeing a huge increase in the last...
Most likely, living in Miami, Florida, you have considered the possibility of buying property for the purpose of renting it out. Rental property can be a great source of income,...
In this article, I’m going to focus on assisting writers get every possible tax benefit just from writing. Becoming a very successful writer can undoubtedly be expensive, don’t...