Hello, everyone! AtBTL & Company, P C, Tax & Accounting,we help clients every day to save money on their taxes and get the most out of their tax returns.If you’re wondering...
Have you been making huge profits in your real estate but you don’t get to enjoy them? You have no idea where all your money goes when it’s tax time? Think. Have you been planning...
Many people struggle with managing their personal finances. Taking care of your money is indeed a daunting task, however, there are some incredible software tools for personal finance...
Entrepreneurship is the business of setting up a business, or in simpler terms, business squared. I personally like the term because it has mixed connotations of reward, complexity...
Budgeting and managing your money can be stressful, especially if you are running a business and not that great with numbers. Watching your cash flow, monitoring the movement of your...
Employees are the lifeblood of any business. They are the very fuel that keeps a business running and earning profits along the way. The strength of the employees is a sign of prosperity...
Investing, in its bare bones form, is all about letting the money you have make more money for you. This holds true for stock market investment too. Investing in the stock market allows...
Americans gave $520.23 billion in charity in 2015, equivalent to 3% of the U.S. GDP (gross domestic product). The majority of that charity, $418 billion, came from the individuals...
With so many options available now, it’s often unknown or misunderstood why one hires a CPA for tax preparation. Hiring a CPA can save you time and money, and is the right...