For many small businesses, sales tax may be a part of life, especially if your business includes end user or ultimate consumer sales. If your business includes the sales of tangible...
If your small business works with sensitive information or takes payments, cyber security should be a top priority. However, it may also seem that cyber security can be a huge expense...
Individuals can exclude up to $250,000 of income from capital gains tax on the sale of their primary residence, thanks to the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) exclusion of home sales. Married...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 06/11/2021
This article sheds light on vital tax tips that can significantly help real estate investors. Be OrganizedIf you want to get back the funds you believe you deserve for the tax...
The Internal Revenue Service can impose a huge number of tax defaulters that do not pay taxes or do not pay on time. These penalties may also include financial penalties imposed on...
If you own a rental property, you should know your federal tax obligations. All rental income needs to be reported on your tax return, and the associated expenses can generally be...
The TCJA that was passed in 2017 significantly reduced the corporate tax rate and introduced the Qualified Business Income Deduction (QBID).The QBI deduction makes it possible to reduce...
Starting a business can be an exciting new adventure for those with an idea who wish to be self-employed. There are several things to consider, however, when you are opening...
Taxpayers are allowed to amend tax returns using the form 1040x if the following cases occur: a mistake was found in the tax return, failure to file eligible deductions or credit,...