Everyone wants to pay their student loan including you. But before you do so, you have to make sure that for each repayment plan, you understand the advantages as well as the disadvantages.Below...
Posted by Flynn Financial Group Inc on 02/25/2020
You can consider the basic idea of capital gains very simple: the net profit will be known as a capital gain if you sell an asset for more than you paid for it. For example, you get...
If a capital loss occurs, you can report the damage on your tax return, which can reduce your taxable income, and the sum of tax owed. However, it is essential to note that the Internal...
Posted by LLOYD J CAZES CPA on 02/15/2020
One of the best ways to develop passive income is by investing in real estate. There are many benefits that a real estate professional enjoys. This also includes significant saving...
Whenever young people start receiving their pay checks from their first job, that is usually the time when they open their IRAs or individual retirement accounts. But in reality, IRAs...
Posted by Flynn Financial Group Inc on 12/29/2019
Proposals to introduce a wealth tax into the US Internal Revenue Code have been emphasized by some Democratic candidates such as Bernie Sanders, Tom Steyer, and Elizabeth Warren especially...
Posted by Debi G Hill, CPA on 12/28/2019
Every person has their own financial plans. There are also mistakes that are common. If you are a retiree and unsure if you have a common mistake, read on to know how you can avoid...
Posted by LLOYD J CAZES CPA on 12/28/2019
What are the 2 and 20 (hedge fund rate)?The global hedge fund industry has seen a downward trend in management and profitability over the last decade, challenging the traditional "2...
Posted by Advanced Accounting & Tax Planning on 11/25/2019
A lot of people said that there is always wisdom with age. But there are also perks that can possibly cut your taxes in your retirement when you age. The IRS starts to lighten...
Posted by Flynn Financial Group Inc on 11/11/2019