Have you considered making extra income from your vacation home? If so, it can be as simple as signing up on a variety of travel websites and listing your dates of availability. However,...
Everyone wants to reduce their taxes and their taxable income, especially retirees and those who are living on a fixed income. They want to lower their tax liability more than anyone...
All business owners, whether their businesses are big or small, wonder whether they really need a CPA firm to handle their finances and taxes. Are you one of those people who think...
Many older children these days now look after and take care of their aged parents. Unknown to many; however, Uncle Sam can reward you in the form of tax credit for such care to reduce...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 06/24/2021
There are currently over 1,600 different cryptocurrencies in the world. However, Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency at the moment, with approximately 32 million Bitcoin wallets...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 06/18/2021
It is no news, nor will it come as a shock to anyone that more companies are entering the global market, including small and medium-sized businesses. Deliberate expansion into a promising...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 06/06/2021
This article sheds light on vital tax tips that can significantly help real estate investors. Be OrganizedIf you want to get back the funds you believe you deserve for the tax...
If you own a rental property, you should know your federal tax obligations. All rental income needs to be reported on your tax return, and the associated expenses can generally be...
According to experts, the best amount to contribute in your 401(k) is between 10 and 20% of your gross salary. It does not matter the destination account; it is essential to contribute...