Traditional and Roth IRAs may be the king and queen of the retirement prom, but there are other great options that savers shouldn't ignore.Although there are lesser-known SEP,...
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 06/06/2021
Many people are less concerned about whether they owe gift taxes or not. A gift tax return is a Federal Government tax return often filed with certain terms and conditions by the gift's...
Bankruptcy is not an unfamiliar term to most people in the US. It is usually an option for people who are unable to settle their debts. It helps in making a plan that will enable them...
Many landlords pay more tax on their properties than they should. This is because they are ignorant of the several tax advantages and benefits of becoming a landlord. More than any...
This is a form of savings account in which the owner gets some type of tax advantage. The employer can establish a flexible spending account or flexible spending arrangement for its...
A tax amnesty is a program by the US government designed for tax defaulters to pay a part of some of their debt without the interest and penalties. This happens in the US, in which...
We have seen that the stock market has hit several new highs in recent months. This is in addition to the fantastic bull market that ran for more than ten years before the rapid coronavirus...
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently released annual tax inflation adjustments for 2021 for more than 60 allowances, including tax rate schedules, standard deductions, itemized...
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 12/31/2020
Opening up the business of your choice is not a walk in the park. It is not enough that you have the necessary capital to invest in the type of shop or store that you have been planning...