Investing in rental properties can be a significant income stream or provide an income supplement. However, this investment also comes with potential tax implications. Working with...
The home sale gain exclusion is often considered one of the most valuable deductions you can use when you sell your home. This goes along with the many other tax deductions and credits...
Saving for college is a great way to secure your financial future. The costs of college are rising and are not showing any chance of ever slowing down. Trying to work during college...
Owning your home can be a big deal. This is your own personal space that you can live in, love in, and laugh in. But what happens when you need to sell your home? Whether you are choosing...
Picking out a good investment opportunity can be difficult. Some people enjoy handing their money over to an investment professional to help them make the decisions. Others like...
Taxes are not something that a lot of people would like to deal with. Many people watch as money gets taken out of their checks each month and if they are lucky, they will be able...
The subject of tax is not the most pleasant for many. Though it is what some people live by. Yes, the tax preparer downtown, the CPAs around town and every other tax professional you...
Little can be compared to the pressure that typically comes at around that April deadline when you begin to think more seriously about your relationship with the Internal Revenue Service-...
Are you having trouble figuring out how to maximize your capital gains when selling your home? If yes, why not try a professional? The truth is, coming up with the right estimation...