Chances are if you worked independently during 2015, and made over $400.00, you will most likely have to file a Schedule SE. The Schedule SE is used to report self-employed taxpayer...
Come tax season, your ultimate goal when it comes to filing your return is to maximize your tax savings. There are several ways to this both throughout the year with investment options...
Hello everyone, this is Book 2 Tax here explain how to minimize your income tax losses this year. Virtually no one wants to be subject to more taxes, but do you understand the...
Running a small business is hard work. We here at Donna J. Jackson & Associates, PLLC understand that small business owners don’t have as much free time as they’d...
Entrepreneurship is the business of setting up a business, or in simpler terms, business squared. I personally like the term because it has mixed connotations of reward, complexity...
As a small business owner, it becomes more important to determine the right salary figure for your employees, keeping the tax obligations for FUTA in mind. Without a proactive approach,...
It is very common for entrepreneurs to make mistakes while making business decisions. The biggest and most common mistake is when they try to write-off at the end of the year based...
Entrepreneurship can be real rewarding when it comes to freedom and financial stability, however, if you own a small business, and it has kicked off really well, there is one thing...
If you're a gambler or if you intend to start gambling in 2016, then one thing you need to keep in mind is that whenever you make a loss on your gambles, you can claim a deduction...