College is one of the largest expenses one will incur during their lifetime. With college tuitions rising steadily each year, and enrollment seeing a huge increase in the last...
You’ve scheduled your appointment with Professional Accounting Services, Inc. in Owing Mills, Maryland, and you are ready to get started! But where do you start? Besides...
Chances are if you worked independently during 2015, and made over $400.00, you will most likely have to file a Schedule SE. The Schedule SE is used to report self-employed taxpayer...
If you have gone into business for yourself in the last year, you might find the upcoming tax season incredibly scary. Not only do you have to worry about filing taxes correctly, you...
Since medical practices are fortunately considered to be one of the most important drivers of economy, there are lots of tax /peaks offered by the local and state governments for medical...
With so many options available now, it’s often unknown or misunderstood why one hires a CPA for tax preparation. Hiring a CPA can save you time and money, and is the right...
The legendary musician Miles Davis has a famous quote when asked about the definition of jazz music: “If you have to ask, you’ll never know…” Luckily for us, taxes don’t...
Sometimes we take it for granted but the truth is that the more tax deductions you can legitimately get, the lower your taxable profit will be. So, the goal should be to get as many...
If you operate a small business and have the need to control and manage every small detail of that business, you may be inclined to do your business taxes by yourself, without the...
Posted by James Wells EA MBA Tax Office on 01/06/2016