Deployed service members must submit their taxes. Fortunately, the Internal Revenue Service realizes that the service members and their families face unique circumstances and offer...
Going through the process of divorce or separation can be a very difficult time. Consider these tax tips for avoiding mistakes with the IRS.The process of divorce or separation is...
Have you received an email stating that you have filed a tax return electronically or that your tax return has been accepted or rejected by the I.R.S., but you know you have not filed...
A cryptocurrency wave has led to the rise of Bitcoin to over $30,000 per coin, with everyone scrambling for their share of the digital currency. However, if you are interested in cryptocurrencies,...
If you do not pay your taxes on time, interest and penalties will accrue with time. As a result, it is in the best interest of taxpayers to make payments when due. Statute of...
When you lose a loved one, taxes may be the last thing on your mind. But the task of filing the final tax return for a deceased person may fall on a relative or a friend.If you are...
Municipal bonds have long been considered suitable for high net worth investors because their yields are generally excluded from federal income tax and, in some cases, state and local...
While taxes for 2020 are not due until 2021, many important financial decisions made now can have a major impact on farm taxes and when they are paid. An important resource is the...
Debts with the IRS come in many shapes and sizes. The most common debts owed to the IRS are back or unpaid income taxes. Now that more people are working full or part-time, overdue...