All businesses are required to report sales and income over a taxation year.
Profits = Sales – Expenses
Net Income = Profits – Taxes
Categories included in an income...
Gross income comes from following categories of income:
Interest, Dividends, Personal Services, Rentals, Royalties, Gains from disposition of property.
Leasing generates rental income....
Financial planning should not be difficult. It is basically a plan to save for your retirement, education of your children or buying a house. You should clarify your goals and set...
The following items are included in income of taxpayer for a taxation year:
Alimony or maintenance payments (s. 56(1)(b) and s. 56(1)(e))
Allowances for personal, living, or any...
On December 16, 2014, Congress passed the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014. This bill is currently waiting for the President to sign. Approximately 50 tax provisions...