There are times when you will need to travel for business. Whether you run your own business or you are working for someone else and need to travel, you may be able to deduct some...
When we are making charitable donations, especially if they are larger donations of property or taxes, it can be easy to meet any necessary requirements to be able to take advantage...
Throughout the year, many of us contribute to various charities, providing our time, money and various goods to assist the charity in their mission. By tracking these donations and...
You’ve scheduled your appointment with Professional Accounting Services, Inc. in Owing Mills, Maryland, and you are ready to get started! But where do you start? Besides...
The subject of tax is not the most pleasant for many. Though it is what some people live by. Yes, the tax preparer downtown, the CPAs around town and every other tax professional you...
Of all the forms involved in filing your tax return, tax form 1040 might just be one of the most important. This form is one of a few that helps you file your annual federal taxes,...
When you work hard for your money and you are invested in making it go as far as possible, your options to keep it in your own pocket may vary. Being savvy when it comes to personal...
Come tax season, your ultimate goal when it comes to filing your return is to maximize your tax savings. There are several ways to this both throughout the year with investment options...
Do you happen to be the charitable type? Depending on which organization(s) you chose to donate your time, money, or goods to, you may be able to deduct those donations on your tax...