If you are overwhelmed with student loan debt, there may come a time when it will be difficult for you to move forward. You make payments as at when due, but you are not even close...
Are you wondering if there is a hard rule on taxable income and non-taxable income? The answer is simple: all income is taxable unless it is expressly excluded by law. But, as you've...
It is a sad reality for many people that they will have to let go a particular percentage of their income to Uncle Sam. While there is nothing much we can do about that, the right...
The filing status of a taxpayer depends on individual circumstances. Are you married or single? Do you have dependents? Identifying the correct filing condition is essential, as it...
If you or someone you love is thinking about a viatical settlement, you might be wondering if you have to pay taxes for your payout.Most people seem to believe that all income from...
The TCJA that was passed in 2017 significantly reduced the corporate tax rate and introduced the Qualified Business Income Deduction (QBID).The QBI deduction makes it possible to reduce...
The IRS issued depreciation limits for commercial passenger cars placed in service by taxpayers in 2020. The IRS also released annual income inclusion values for these vehicles first...
One of the most popular forms of investment is dividend investing. Dividends provide a smooth income stream to investors. You have two options when the dividend accumulates on a stock....
Taxpayers are allowed to amend tax returns using the form 1040x if the following cases occur: a mistake was found in the tax return, failure to file eligible deductions or credit,...