When managing finances, individuals and businesses often encounter situations where they lend money to others and, unfortunately, face the risk of non-payment. Such instances of bad...
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 08/17/2023
Taxpayers have the opportunity to come forward and voluntarily address their tax noncompliance through the IRS Voluntary Disclosure Program. This article examines the advantages of...
In life insurance, universal life insurance stands out as a versatile and flexible policy that provides both a death benefit and a cash value component. Unlike term life insurance,...
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 07/13/2023
Recovery rate can be defined as the percentage of defaulted debt recoverable by a lender. It can also be defined as the value of a security after said security has emerged from bankruptcy...
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 07/13/2023
Inheritance tax is the cost basis calculation for inherited assets against taxes owed to the state. That being said, most estates are simply too small to be charged the federal estate...
Filing tax returns on time is crucial to maintain compliance with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). However, circumstances may arise where individuals or businesses fail to file...
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 07/07/2023
As the backbone of our agricultural industry, farmers play a crucial role in providing food and resources. Operating a farm involves various financial responsibilities, including taxes....
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 07/02/2023
As an independent contractor, you enjoy the freedom and flexibility of working for yourself. However, it also means taking on additional responsibilities, including tax management....
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 07/01/2023
As higher education costs continue to rise, families must plan and save for their children's educational expenses. One popular tool for saving for education is the 529 plan, named...
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 06/23/2023