Not all debts are the same. Although most forms of lending carry risk, certain lending decisions are more likely to send you into a downward debt spiral. We call them debt traps.It's...
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 08/11/2022
Do you want your children to do better financially than you? Do you want them to stick to a budget and invest in their future? Financial education is essential.A 2018 National Financial...
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 06/11/2022
Made a mistake on your tax return or realize you lost a valuable deduction or tax credit? You can file an amended tax return to correct it. Filing an amended tax return with the IRS...
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 04/30/2022
It is never an easy ordeal, losing your job, whether emotionally or financially. Regardless, it is crucial to continue to be proactive regarding your finances and tax status....
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 01/09/2022
American businesses of all sizes have a number of financial information that must be organized and reported to comply with legal obligations, such as tax requirements. Various professions...
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 01/01/2022
Cash balance plans are defined benefit retirement savings plans that allow business owners to make large deductible contributions each year and build up deferred retirement savings....
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 11/04/2021
Failure to protect the assets that you worked your fingers out to gather might be lost easily in bankruptcy, lawsuit or to creditors. This makes it essential to keep all laws in mind...
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 09/26/2021
Taxes are one of the only certainties in life, and cryptocurrencies are no exception.Yes, your Bitcoin is taxable. The IRS treats ownership of cryptocurrencies as "property"...
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 07/06/2021
Some people are lucky in their relationship with Uncle Sam as all they do is file their taxes and expect a refund or send in their balance for every tax year. Sadly, it is not so straightforward...