Don't know what portion of your income goes to taxes and why it doesn't match the rate in the tax table? Here are the basics of how income tax rates work.Introduction –...
Posted by CORE PERFORMANCE on 08/15/2021
Would you allow tax laws to influence your decision to marry your partner? Many of us may not consider this, but some spouses consider the tax implications.Over the years, much has...
Posted by Flynn Financial Group Inc on 06/05/2021
Does the IRS take a large chunk of your cryptocurrency income? Maybe you traded one cryptocurrency for another at the right time and withdrew a lot of it in dollars, and now you have...
Posted by CORE PERFORMANCE on 05/29/2021
According to the IRS, tax rates will depend on the taxpayer's source of income. Your income from the sale of stocks, for example, will generally be taxed at a lower rate than your...
The payment of income tax is a reality. And when Uncle Sam says income, he is talking about all the money you make, whether it's from your job or your investment. This includes...
Your taxes this year may be dominated by a clear question: "At any point in 2020, did you sell, receive, send, trade, or earned financial interest in any virtual currency?"In...
Sales taxes are one of the common direct ways to collect tax revenue. Although graduated income tax brackets and rates are complex and confusing for many taxpayers, sales taxes are...
Here are some FAQ related to taxes:What Income am I to Pay taxes on?Uncle Sam’s definition of income is money, services, and properties. All income can be taxed, except there...
Posted by Don Bell Law on 02/17/2021
The IRS deals with foreclosure as well as the sale of a property. It was already yours, and you no longer own it, so you could end up paying taxes on a mortgaged property. The event...