Going to college can be expensive. You have to worry about which classes to take, what your grades say and how to find that internship that is going to push you into the future. All...
College is expensive. There is no doubt about how expensive college has gotten over the past few years. Students are struggling under all the debt that they need to pay and keeping...
Selling a home can be a big deal. You have lived in this house and know it as your home for a certain amount of time. Sometimes you are just there for a few years and others you could...
Starting your own business involves plenty of administrative tasks, including setting up your bookkeeping and payroll. However, a new small business might not be able to afford the...
For many individual taxpayers and small business owners, using independent contractors can mean a reduction in tax liability for funds paid out, but can also mean that you are not...
If you own a general contracting business or one of the supporting businesses, such as plumbing, electrical or drywall, then you will need to keep accurate records. The most important...
As a real estate agent, there are many challenges as you work in a housing market that has its ups and downs. However, as part of your business, you have the opportunity to take several...
Bonds can be a great benefit in terms of investing and saving for a variety of financial goals. However, you may soon find yourself tackling the tax implications of these investment...
Posted by Simon Hase, CPA on 03/26/2016
When you have a child with special needs, there can be plenty of concern regarding their care when the parents or other family members are no longer able to care for that child, due...