As you are probably aware, the large proportion of your income is taxable. Whether earned through a salary, hourly wages, tips, commissions, rent from a property that you lease or...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 07/25/2019
Every year does not go as expected, and sometimes it could be a situation where businesses made fewer profits as they did the years before. When the cost of expenses begins to exceed...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 07/25/2019
The eighteenth-century philosopher and economist Adam Smith endeavored to systematize the standards that ought to oversee a sound arrangement of taxation. In The Wealth of Nations...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 05/29/2019
If you have been relieved of your job, odds are your pay has dropped significantly. That implies your tax status has likely changed too. You may now be eligible for deductions...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 05/29/2019
In case you are still hanging tight for a tax refund on your federal income this year, here's one reason it may be postponed: the administration could have seized it. A similar...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 05/29/2019
When it comes to tax treatment, there is a difference between unreimbursed business expenses for partners and S corporation shareholders. Also known as ordinary and necessary expenses,...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 04/17/2019
If you haven’t thought about hiring an Accountant to help prepare your taxes before, you may now have to consider doing it now. It’s important for you to be prepared for...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 04/17/2019