For small business owners, the use of their vehicles can be an important part of their business growth. Meetings with clients, vendors and perspective investors are just some of the...
Thousands of tax payers each year miss the opportunity to claim their automobile use as a deduction on their taxes. At BTL & Company, P C, Tax & Accounting, we help many Americans...
Medical expenses can be deducted from your federal tax return as much as they exceed 10% of your annual gross income. Most people are aware of the common medical expenses...
You’ve scheduled your appointment with Professional Accounting Services, Inc. in Owing Mills, Maryland, and you are ready to get started! But where do you start? Besides...
Most likely, living in Miami, Florida, you have considered the possibility of buying property for the purpose of renting it out. Rental property can be a great source of income,...
Investing in rental properties can be a significant income stream or provide an income supplement. However, this investment also comes with potential tax implications. Working with...
Come tax season, your ultimate goal when it comes to filing your return is to maximize your tax savings. There are several ways to this both throughout the year with investment options...
It’s not every day that the words “Expatriate Tax” cross your path. Generally speaking, it’s not the most common of tax situations even if you’re a tax preparer. If you already...
The first step when it comes to filing your federal tax return is going to be deciding just how you’re going to file. The first major question you’ll need to ask yourself is “Should...