Some laws remain relatively unchanged for decades, if not centuries. However, tax laws are not timeless and must reflect an ever-changing global economy, complex government changes,...
When it comes to your money, there’s only one person that truly has your best interests at heart - and that person is looking back at you in the mirror. Handling your own finances...
Posted by McClure & Stewart Tax Resolutions on 11/12/2020
The medical expense deduction is large enough to cover pregnancy tests, braille books, and smoking cessation programs. However, it doesn't cover everything you pay to stay healthy....
There is a way you can deduct the medical expenses of another person, even if the person is not under the same roof as you. This is a tax break that many do not utilize, especially...
Hi, my name is Julian O. Guzman, MBA. Since year 2000 I began developing myself as an entrepreneur, self-employed, and business consultant. At the same time, I learned a variety...
Posted by Taxes and Accounting Solutions-SLC on 10/27/2020
Medical expenses can be deducted from your federal tax return as much as they exceed 10% of your annual gross income. Most people are aware of the common medical expenses you...
Several recent developments may affect taxpayers based on a strategy of trading or holding tax-exempt state and local bonds, commonly known as municipal or "munis" bonds....
Many baby boomers and retirees prefer to invest in savings bonds because they are safe and convenient investments, but stocks don't always earn interest. Over time, they expire,...
How much you paid for your cryptocurrency (cost basis) greatly impacts the taxes you pay when you finally sell them. Understanding how the specific ID, first-in, first-out (FIFO),...