Is Foster Income Taxed?Payments received as Foster Income are NOT taxable, so you do not need to report them. Suppose the assistance is provided to a qualified foster individual and...
You do not need to think twice before answering the question of your marital status. The answer can, however, get complicated when you are filing your tax. For tax purposes, the last...
With the next tax season around the corner, you might be wondering if you've paid enough tax this year. Don't worry, we have put together a list of cash flows you can achieve...
Will you pay taxes on the sale of your home? Probably not, unless you have an income over $ 250,000 or over $ 500,000 for couples. But before we continue, let's take a look at...
Except you have recently taken a vacation to Mars, you must have felt the Covid-19 pandemic pinch. There have been job losses, and people are feeling the heat. With the time for the...
Amid all the cautionary advice to prevent students from borrowing too much money to pay for their university education, one bit of good news may go unnoticed: interest paid on student...
We want to remind you of the federal education tax benefits you may be eligible for. Making the most of these tax benefits would help reduce spending on higher education.If you're...
Posted by Carmen Garcia on 07/24/2020
Every business owner, irrespective of the field, needs to file and pay tax each year. The good news is there are legal strategies to reduce the amount you send to Uncle Sam as taxes.Some...
Posted by Don Bell Law on 07/24/2020
Oh, what good news it is for taxpayers – that there is a program that allows them to pay way less than what they owe. This is called the IRS Offer in Compromise (OIC).However,...
Posted by Don Bell Law on 07/16/2020