When it comes to choosing the type of set up for your business, there are pros and cons to a limited liability company and a partnership. However, an S corporation or S corp can provide...
During tax time, there are a number of decisions that you can make that are going to influence how you are going to do your tax return, which deductions you are able to take in, and...
Filing your taxes as a business is really important. It is the step that you need to take to ensure that your business is running properly and that you aren’t making the IRS mad...
Preparing your own tax return can be a confusing and frustrating task, especially as you move into a higher income bracket or have multiple deductions, credits and capital gains or...
When it comes time to expand your family, adoption can be a viable option to make that situation a reality. However, it can also be an expensive process that may take several years...
Your retirement is a great way for you to help save up for the expenses that you are going to have later in life. Many people find that they started way too late in life and are now...
My rich uncle would say, Even if I purchased my daughter a $1M home, she would still not be able to afford it because of the real estate tax. Unfortunately, one of the most overlooked...
When it is time for your tax return, it is important to find all of your deductions and credits in order to save more money than ever before. There are a lot of these deductions and...
The earned income credit is a great choice that you can make to save some money during tax time. But not every tax payer is going to be able to qualify for this deduction when they...