When you are doing your taxes, there is a lot that you need to keep track of. Many Americans work hard to try and figure out their taxes at the end of the year, but then it is so confusing...
Taxes are an important part of life and whether you are a consumer or a small business, you must file them. Small businesses are responsible for turning in their taxes at the same...
Posted by Patrick O'Hara, EA on 02/01/2016
All business owners, whether their businesses are big or small, wonder whether they really need a CPA firm to handle their finances and taxes. Are you one of those people who think...
It is the ultimate dream. Getting to sit in your pajamas all day and do a bit of work while watching your favorite show and hanging out with the kids. You don’t have to answer to...
Reconciliation is the method of verifying the accuracy and consistency of your financial statements.Reconciliation also helps identify and explain any discrepancies that may arise...
Thanks to the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) cost-of-living adjustment, you can save more money on retirement plans and health savings accounts (HSAs) by 2020. This year, good...
For everyone buying a home via financing, the mortgage interest rate has a huge impact. Mortgage borrowers, however, are interested in the lowest rate possible. Yet, money lenders...
The Internal Revenue Code is configured to offer numerous tax reductions to individuals and businesses. Even the IRS recognizes that you have to save money to live and manage your...
A possibly rewarding and calming period of a person’s life is retirement. A new set of challenges arise as the transition began and this could lead to nervousness or feeling...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 04/27/2020