When its tax time, reducing your tax liability means making sure that you have received all your credits and deductions. Many individuals are concerned about itemizing deductions,...
Medical expenses can be deducted from your federal tax return as much as they exceed 10% of your annual gross income. Most people are aware of the common medical expenses...
College is one of the largest expenses one will incur during their lifetime. With college tuitions rising steadily each year, and enrollment seeing a huge increase in the last...
You’ve scheduled your appointment with Professional Accounting Services, Inc. in Owing Mills, Maryland, and you are ready to get started! But where do you start? Besides...
In 2014, the Achieving a Better Life Experience, or ABLE, Act was signed into law after passing through the House and Congress. The act allowed people with disabilities to establish...
Saving for college is a great way to secure your financial future. The costs of college are rising and are not showing any chance of ever slowing down. Trying to work during college...
Let’s face it: we are all love tax deductions. Getting a tax refund is a fascinating thing, and as Kenneth Taylor, a Oklahoma taxpayer representative at Kenneth Taylor Accounting...
Little can be compared to the pressure that typically comes at around that April deadline when you begin to think more seriously about your relationship with the Internal Revenue Service-...
Taxes can bring out the worst in anyone. Is your sugar low and pressure mounting high because of that tax bill? Deductions might not totally relieve you off your obligations, but reduce...