What Is The ILIT? The ILIT is short form for Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust. As its name implies, once constructed this trust fund is not revocable, nor may you...
Running a small business is hard work. We here at Donna J. Jackson & Associates, PLLC understand that small business owners don’t have as much free time as they’d...
Entrepreneurship is the business of setting up a business, or in simpler terms, business squared. I personally like the term because it has mixed connotations of reward, complexity...
Investing, in its bare bones form, is all about letting the money you have make more money for you. This holds true for stock market investment too. Investing in the stock market allows...
The corporate tax structure is highly complex and complicated. It is also not quite black and white. There are countless grey areas and if you are a startup founder or are even planning...
Since medical practices are fortunately considered to be one of the most important drivers of economy, there are lots of tax /peaks offered by the local and state governments for medical...
There are certain provisions in the tax laws that are admittedly difficult to understand unless you have a good background of the law. And the adjustments or amendments that are made...
Accountant Has the instability of the stock market got you thinking about what exactly you can do? Now may be this is the perfect time to make your own lemonade. It is wise to...
For most investors, and even certain tax accountants, sorting through the multifaceted IRS rules on investment taxes can undoubtedly be a nightmare. Drawbacks abound, and the consequences...