Taxes that you did not pay for years are called back taxes. These taxes are due for at least a year and come with interest and penalties until paid. Many people owe back taxes and...
Debts come in many forms. This explains why we have good debs and bad debts. We can classify student loans as good debt, while credit card debt fits the category of bad debts as it...
All U.S. citizens do have up to the middle of the fourth month of the year to file in their annual tax. There are, however, other options for extensions based on various factors. There...
Having a new job is one of the best things that can happen to man, especially when you consider the impact on your financial life. Many potentials come with this new life. Many people,...
A payday loan seems like a lifesaver because it provides an easy way to get cash. If you were suddenly met with a high expense without any means of payment, a payday loan might appear...
Rejecting tax extension application through e-file or on paper isn’t really something that the IRS would do a lot of times. However, they have rejected tax extension applications...