When you are doing your taxes, there is a lot that you need to keep track of. Many Americans work hard to try and figure out their taxes at the end of the year, but then it is so confusing...
As a real estate agent, there are many challenges as you work in a housing market that has its ups and downs. However, as part of your business, you have the opportunity to take several...
Most taxpayers are unaware that there are many things they can deduct on their tax returns in order to lower their tax bill and save a lot of money. While you do need to be careful...
Posted by Dennis O'Brien on 02/21/2016
Medical expenses can add up quickly. There always seems to be more of them and getting sick is something that you can’t always control. Many families feel like they are weighed down...
Young families can keep their tax bills low by following some significant measures. Our list will help them to save for college, benefit from their flex account, and through many other...
Posted by Patrick O'Hara, EA on 02/01/2016
At Coastal Business Services, we understand just how important your small business is to you. You started this business from the ground up and poured a lot of sweat and hard work into...
If you have an effective retirement plan, it will consider your taxes after retirement. Unfortunately, many plans do not consider how your taxes will be affected by your changes...
Posted by Simon Hase, CPA on 01/05/2016
If you own a rental property, you should know your federal tax obligations. All rental income needs to be reported on your tax return, and the associated expenses can generally be...
It is a sad reality for many people that they will have to let go a particular percentage of their income to Uncle Sam. While there is nothing much we can do about that, the right...