If you are overwhelmed with student loan debt, there may come a time when it will be difficult for you to move forward. You make payments as at when due, but you are not even close...
When starting a business, one of the first decisions you'll face is what type of business to register for. The type of business you choose will affect your taxes, obligations,...
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a benefit program administered by the Social Security Administration that provides monthly payments to people facing significant physical and...
IRS Form 8949 is a tax form used primarily to report sales and trade of capital goods. Form 8949 is filed alongside Schedule D of the income tax form.What is IRS Form 8949?Form 8949...
Are you wondering if there is a hard rule on taxable income and non-taxable income? The answer is simple: all income is taxable unless it is expressly excluded by law. But, as you've...
Community property is a type of joint ownership of property between couples. With some variation between states, all property acquired or purchased by a couple during the marriage...
The payment of income tax is a reality. And when Uncle Sam says income, he is talking about all the money you make, whether it's from your job or your investment. This includes...
State laws generally govern the gaming industry. These laws can be very or less strict, depending on how the state views the industry, and most laws are aimed at promoting responsible...
The nation owes a debt of gratitude to veterans, yet sometimes these heroes come back home and pay huge taxes, which places a significant burden on them. This realization led to a...