Openly citing that they target the working poor and include certain fees that can easily translate into yearly interest percentage rates ranging between 50% and as high as 400%, the...
Are taxes weighing you down? Well, I’m here to make your financial journey affordably easy. Taxes are the headache you constantly have to deal with. Finding a tax accountant who...
Do you happen to be the charitable type? Depending on which organization(s) you chose to donate your time, money, or goods to, you may be able to deduct those donations on your tax...
AccountantHas the instability of the stock market got you thinking about what exactly you can do? Now may be this is the perfect time to make your own lemonade. It is wise to consider...
For most investors, and even certain tax accountants, sorting through the multifaceted IRS rules on investment taxes can undoubtedly be a nightmare. Drawbacks abound, and the consequences...
For many, filing their tax return leads to a tax refund depending on their status and income. Working with a tax preparer, such as Bhatia & CO, INC, CPAs in Santa Clara, CA, you...
Posted by BHATIA & CO, INC, CPAs on 01/30/2016
As the owner of a small business, you understand the need to be financially organized. This means managing your books well, including tracking your collections, debts and any investments....
Posted by BHATIA & CO, INC, CPAs on 01/30/2016
For many individuals, tax time can be frustrating. Changes to the tax code can often mean that last year’s deductions might not apply anymore or you no longer qualify. Working with...
Posted by AccuraTax LLC on 01/28/2016