If you are overwhelmed with student loan debt, there may come a time when it will be difficult for you to move forward. You make payments as at when due, but you are not even close...
Are you wondering if there is a hard rule on taxable income and non-taxable income? The answer is simple: all income is taxable unless it is expressly excluded by law. But, as you've...
The filing status of a taxpayer depends on individual circumstances. Are you married or single? Do you have dependents? Identifying the correct filing condition is essential, as it...
Individual retirement accounts are saving plans that come with various restrictions. It stands out with the ability to allow taxpayers to defer tax payment on the proceeds and earnings...
The IRS issued depreciation limits for commercial passenger cars placed in service by taxpayers in 2020. The IRS also released annual income inclusion values for these vehicles first...
One of the most popular forms of investment is dividend investing. Dividends provide a smooth income stream to investors. You have two options when the dividend accumulates on a stock....
Thanks to the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) cost-of-living adjustment, you can save more money on retirement plans and health savings accounts (HSAs) by 2020. This year, good...
For everyone buying a home via financing, the mortgage interest rate has a huge impact. Mortgage borrowers, however, are interested in the lowest rate possible. Yet, money lenders...
Everyone wants to cut taxes, but sometimes people try too hard. Over the years, taxpayers have presented many foolish arguments to justify their tax incentives. We had put together...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 06/11/2020