The lawn care business is a challenging and interesting one. Operating this business is undoubtedly fun, but it comes with its share of issues, challenges, and uncertainty. However,...
Starting a business can be an exciting new adventure for those with an idea who wish to be self-employed. There are several things to consider, however, when you are opening...
Hi, my name is Julian O. Guzman, MBA. Since year 2000 I began developing myself as an entrepreneur, self-employed, and business consultant. At the same time, I learned a variety...
Posted by Taxes and Accounting Solutions-SLC on 10/27/2020
Medical expenses can be deducted from your federal tax return as much as they exceed 10% of your annual gross income. Most people are aware of the common medical expenses you...
How much you paid for your cryptocurrency (cost basis) greatly impacts the taxes you pay when you finally sell them. Understanding how the specific ID, first-in, first-out (FIFO),...
The US tax system is set up on both the federal and the state level. There are several taxes which citizens must file. These taxes include: income tax, capital gains and sales tax....
For everyone buying a home via financing, the mortgage interest rate has a huge impact. Mortgage borrowers, however, are interested in the lowest rate possible. Yet, money lenders...
Most would agree that taxes are not an interesting topic. But a proper understanding of the tax rules is essential for employers. It is a special responsibility to manage your employees...
Accumulating financial assets in a tough and competitive world is hard work. Yet, no matter how much you have, there are sharks and potholes along the way ready to eat at your financial...