Have you considered making extra income from your vacation home? If so, it can be as simple as signing up on a variety of travel websites and listing your dates of availability. However,...
Many families will find that it is convenient, as well as a good way to make some extra money, to rent out their homes on occasion when they are gone. They may live in a big city or...
Posted by Patrick O'Hara, EA on 03/02/2016
Tax time is all about refunds for many people, and everyone wants to fully maximize their refund. After all, it is your money, and you should be able to get it back. Kaufmann Advisors...
Most taxpayers are unaware that there are many things they can deduct on their tax returns in order to lower their tax bill and save a lot of money. While you do need to be careful...
Posted by Dennis O'Brien on 02/21/2016
Young families can keep their tax bills low by following some significant measures. Our list will help them to save for college, benefit from their flex account, and through many other...
Posted by Patrick O'Hara, EA on 02/01/2016
At Coastal Business Services, we understand that tax season is not something that most taxpayers look forward to. While many may put some money back from each paycheck to help them...
When you start out as independent contractor or freelancer, taxes are likely not the first thing on your mind. However, most self-employed individuals do not have taxes taken out...
Posted by Simon Hase, CPA on 01/05/2016
For many small businesses, sales tax may be a part of life, especially if your business includes end user or ultimate consumer sales. If your business includes the sales of tangible...
Many older children these days now look after and take care of their aged parents. Unknown to many; however, Uncle Sam can reward you in the form of tax credit for such care to reduce...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 06/24/2021