Taxation of trust fund incomeDeath and taxes are two things that you cannot avoid in life. While there are ways to minimize your tax participation, you certainly can't get rid...
The nation owes a debt of gratitude to veterans, yet sometimes these heroes come back home and pay huge taxes, which places a significant burden on them. This realization led to a...
Sales taxes are one of the common direct ways to collect tax revenue. Although graduated income tax brackets and rates are complex and confusing for many taxpayers, sales taxes are...
Deployed service members must submit their taxes. Fortunately, the Internal Revenue Service realizes that the service members and their families face unique circumstances and offer...
Being a self-employed, independent contractor, or working for a small business can seem like a dream. However, one downside is that you are unlikely to have access to a workplace pension...
If you look at the TCJA, you will see that the C Corps' new tax rate is 21%, while the maximum individual rate is 37%. Also, individuals can benefit from a 20% deduction for pass-through...
Posted by CORE PERFORMANCE on 01/14/2021
If you buy an annuity in pre-tax dollars, the annuity payments will be fully taxed as income. If you purchase an annuity with after-tax funds, you only have to pay income tax. Annuities...
What is an Accounting Method?An accounting method refers to the rules that a business follows when reporting income and expenses. The two main accounting methods are accrual accounting...
Some laws remain relatively unchanged for decades, if not centuries. However, tax laws are not timeless and must reflect an ever-changing global economy, complex government changes,...