Many people who receive a tax refund thanks to the student loan interest deduction will go and spend the money on a fun trip or something that is frivolous but that they have wanted...
Posted by Shabnam Merali on 03/02/2016
Starting a new business can be an exciting venture and the beginning of a new career. But in order to make a successful start, you need to be sure to set up your tax information properly...
These days pretty much everyone knows it's never too early to start planning for retirement. The staff at Williams Tax & Bookkeeping in Benton, AR know that taxpayers want to get...
Thousands of tax payers each year miss the opportunity to claim their automobile use as a deduction on their taxes. At BTL & Company, P C, Tax & Accounting, we help many Americans...
During the past few years, there have been a lot of questions about the new healthcare act. Many people who were not able to qualify for insurance before because of their pre-existing...
Starting a business is a big step. You have thought long and hard about the kind of business you would like to begin, and after some research, you will find that now might be the time...
Posted by Falisha Griffin on 02/21/2016
When its tax time, reducing your tax liability means making sure that you have received all your credits and deductions. Many individuals are concerned about itemizing deductions,...
Many tax payers choose to contribute each year to their health savings accounts. This allows them to have money for those expensive medical bills as they get older. But once you turn...
Medical expenses can be deducted from your federal tax return as much as they exceed 10% of your annual gross income. Most people are aware of the common medical expenses...