The student loan is usually the go-to option when they face challenges. Both parents, guardians, and students rely on this loan in a hard time, not knowing the ups and downs of the...
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 09/10/2022
What are student loan interest deductions?These are deductions made from the total amount you owe for your college education (if you took a loan). It is a tax incentive that is especially...
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 10/30/2021
If you are overwhelmed with student loan debt, there may come a time when it will be difficult for you to move forward. You make payments as at when due, but you are not even close...
The wage garnishment on a federal student loan occurs when the employer deducts part of the payment to repay the student loan after non-payment. Please note that under the Covid-19...
There are cases in which some people will be able to get rid of all or part of their student loans using a forgiveness plan targeted at student loans. This removes the burden of dealing...
Student loan interest stands out for having a lower rate, which might be attractive to many. However, there are still a couple of things to know if you consider taking a student loan. Effect...