When managing finances, individuals and businesses often encounter situations where they lend money to others and, unfortunately, face the risk of non-payment. Such instances of bad...
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 08/17/2023
In life insurance, universal life insurance stands out as a versatile and flexible policy that provides both a death benefit and a cash value component. Unlike term life insurance,...
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 07/13/2023
As the backbone of our agricultural industry, farmers play a crucial role in providing food and resources. Operating a farm involves various financial responsibilities, including taxes....
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 07/02/2023
As an independent contractor, you enjoy the freedom and flexibility of working for yourself. However, it also means taking on additional responsibilities, including tax management....
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 07/01/2023
When considering annuities, it is essential to understand the tax implications. Many people, however, might be surprised because the taxation of pensions differs. This article explores...
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 06/15/2023
Buying a home is one of the most significant financial decisions most people make in their lifetime. Homeownership is often seen as a symbol of success and stability, but it also comes...
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 05/31/2023
Filing taxes is a necessary obligation that all citizens and residents of the United States must complete. This is also true for those serving in the military, including those deployed...
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 05/16/2023
Retroactive tax legislation is an issue that has been debated for a long time in the United States. Retroactive taxation occurs when the government imposes a new tax law that applies...
When it comes to tax time, homeowners are always looking for ways to reduce their tax burden. Luckily, many tax deductions available for homeowners can result in significant savings.Before...
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 02/22/2023