If you are overwhelmed with student loan debt, there may come a time when it will be difficult for you to move forward. You make payments as at when due, but you are not even close...
Debts come in many forms. This explains why we have good debs and bad debts. We can classify student loans as good debt, while credit card debt fits the category of bad debts as it...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 05/17/2020
The wage garnishment on a federal student loan occurs when the employer deducts part of the payment to repay the student loan after non-payment. Please note that under the Covid-19...
There are cases in which some people will be able to get rid of all or part of their student loans using a forgiveness plan targeted at student loans. This removes the burden of dealing...
Student loan interest stands out for having a lower rate, which might be attractive to many. However, there are still a couple of things to know if you consider taking a student loan. Effect...
You do not need to think twice before answering the question of your marital status. The answer can, however, get complicated when you are filing your tax. For tax purposes, the last...
A student loan is a reality in the lives of 44 million Americans who collectively owe $ 1.6 trillion. These loans are an essential part of the discussion on the financial prospects...
Everyone wants to pay their student loan including you. But before you do so, you have to make sure that for each repayment plan, you understand the advantages as well as the disadvantages.Below...
Posted by Flynn Financial Group Inc on 02/25/2020
Student loans affect your credit in the same way as other loans: you pay according to what is agreed and suitable for your credit; Pay late, and it can hurt you. However, student loans...
Posted by Debi G Hill, CPA on 01/23/2020