For many small businesses, sales tax may be a part of life, especially if your business includes end user or ultimate consumer sales. If your business includes the sales of tangible...
If your small business works with sensitive information or takes payments, cyber security should be a top priority. However, it may also seem that cyber security can be a huge expense...
Bookkeeping for a small business can often seem to be a full time job all on its own. While it might be tempting to take some short cuts to move the process along, those shortcuts...
Back taxes are pesky little things that can do more damage to your life than any other kind of debt that you could imagine. Unlike other debt that can be dealt with over time or even...
It is the ultimate dream. Getting to sit in your pajamas all day and do a bit of work while watching your favorite show and hanging out with the kids. You don’t have to answer to...
Moving can be a big step in your life. Perhaps you are moving in order to take on a new career. Many people move because they want a bigger house for the kids or a smaller one when...
This article sheds light on vital tax tips that can significantly help real estate investors. Be OrganizedIf you want to get back the funds you believe you deserve for the tax...
The Internal Revenue Service can impose a huge number of tax defaulters that do not pay taxes or do not pay on time. These penalties may also include financial penalties imposed on...
The COVID-19 pandemic is complicating several people's efforts to file their 2020 taxes ahead of schedule, but the good news is that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has been...