How Getting Married Can Impact Your Taxes Whether you plan to get married or you recently got married, you may be wondering just how this big step is going to affect you and your...
Posted by Financial Balance LLC on 10/30/2015
Are You Prepared for Your Small Business Taxes? Tips to Help You Save Many small business owners become frazzled around tax time and as the year comes to a close, they know it is...
Top 20 things that you can deduct from your taxes As soon as it is time to file your tax returns, your face changes color and you grumble and mutter to yourself while filling...
As you hear the word taxes, you want to run away. Dealing with your taxes can often be tiresome and frustrating and you woe the day you have to file your tax returns. Then there are...
Bases for asserting jurisdictions Who to tax? What income to tax? Personal relationship between a taxpayer and the country This concept also applies to corporations and other type...
Making projections from income statement requires: ü Spending a lot of time. ü Research and understand core of business model. ü Understand Revenue...
On Tuesday January 13, the IRS Commissioner sent an email to his employees discussing the IRS budget for 2015. It stated in the email that, the IRS will "have no choice but to do less...
Code Section 7701 (a)(30) U.S citizens are U.S Persons and Citizens of foreign countries are U.S Persons who meet either of the following two tests: Green Card test Substantial...
If a taxpayer has personal relations with one country (Home) and derives income from another country (Host) it can cause a double taxation issue. The host country will most likely...