Over 143 million was left at risk of identity theft when Equifax, a credit reporting firm, suffered a data breach last year. The credit card numbers were stolen from 209, 000 users...
Many identity thieves use stolen social security numbers to file fraudulent tax returns. You won't know if you have been the victim until you are denied your tax return.If you...
Have you received an email stating that you have filed a tax return electronically or that your tax return has been accepted or rejected by the I.R.S., but you know you have not filed...
Tax identity theft occurs in numerous ways. "Identity theft," as indicated by the IRS, usually involves someone stealing a specific Social Security number (or tax identification...
The year 2018 approaches to end and millions of Americans are getting ready of their financial report and records in order to fulfill their respective tax obligations. Like a hunger...
Identity Theft has been a serious problem in the United States for many years. In 2011, more than 641, 000 taxpayers experienced identity theft according to the Internal Revenue Service...